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American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS)

American Roentgen Ray Society


AJR Articles for JRS Members

ARRS has these AJR articles freely available to JRS members through mid-October 2024:

ICT-Based Radiomics Models for Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Nodules: A Multicenter Development and Validation Study

Traumatic Cervical Cerebrovascular Injury and the Role of CTA: AJR Expert Panel Narrative Review

Association Between MR Elastography Liver Stiffness and Histologic Liver Fibrosis in Children and Young Adults With Autoimmune Liver Disease

ARRS 2025 Annual Meeting CALL FOR ABSTRACTS –
Share your research, insights, and educational projects with peers from around the world. The deadline for submission is Friday, August 30 at 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

Advances in Neurological and Musculoskeletal Tumor Imaging Course, August 1, 2024
Register to participate live on August 1 or access the course on demand until August 1, 2025. Learn more at: ARRS.ORG/SYMPOSIA

NEW Open Access Global Education Course –
ARRS in collaboration with the British Institute Radiology (BIR) is pleased to offer, Screening Patient Pathways. This open access course reviews current practices for screening lung and female breast cancer in the UK and the USA. Speakers discuss common and comparative techniques and challenges of maintaining an effective screening program. Access this course and many others at:

NEW Session in ARRS Breast Education Course – Interesting Breast Cases Everything, Everywhere, All at Once: Comprehensive Breast Imaging Longitudinal Course
This course offers nine, two-hour sessions in total. Sessions began in January and continue until October. All sessions are available to all participants on demand until October 16, 2025 The next course in the series, Learning from Scratch Your Head Cases, will be presented August 15. On September 19, Back to the “Basics” of Breast Imaging will be offered. Previous sessions already available include: Mammography, Breast MRI, Breast Ultrasound, Challenging Biopsies, and Managing Difficult Cases. Earn up to 18 CME credits for the entire course. Learn more and register at: HTTPS://ARRS.ORG/BREAST2024

JRS Members are Invited to Join ARRS
Through this global partnership ARRS is pleased to offer complimentary membership for radiology residents in a training program, radiologists in fellowship training, and medical students interested in a career in radiology. ARRS also offers a significant discount on ARRS membership for JRS members in active practice in Japan.

To become an ARRS member go to and create an account. Be sure to complete the entire membership form in order to receive the complimentary or reduced membership fee. Questions should be directed to

ARRS Membership Type ARRS Membership for JRS Trainees
ARRS In-Training Member Complimentary (FREE) online membership for JRS trainee members in:
1) a radiology residency training program
2) a radiology fellowship training program
3) a medical student program
ARRS Membership ARRS JRS Global Partner Deeply Discounted Rate ARRS Standard Member Rate
ARRS Member rate for JRS practicing radiologist members in Japan $125 USD $399 USD




ARRS 2025 Rogers Fellowship Opportunity - Deadline: September 3, 2024

ARRS is inviting our global partners to consider submitting a society candidate for the 2025 ARRS Lee F. Rogers International Fellowship in Radiology Journalism. The fellowship will take place from January 1 – December 31, 2025. Detailed information about this fellowship and the application link is available at:

Candidates must be a current ARRS member and maintain membership for the duration of the fellowship. Membership applications will not be accepted in conjunction with Fellowship application materials. The ARRS membership must already be established.

The application deadline for the 2025 ARRS Rogers International Fellowship is Tuesday, September 3, 2024.

Thank you for your consideration of this ARRS global partner society opportunity.


Linda Thomas, MHA
Assistant Executive Director
44211 Slatestone Court
Leesburg, VA 20176-5109
866-940-2777 or 703-729-3353
703-729-4839 FAX




Most Viewed JRS Electronic Exhibit during ARRS 2024 Annual Meeting

ARRS Membership Type ARRS Membership for JRS Trainees
ARRS In-Training Member Complimentary (FREE) online membership for JRS trainee members in:
1) a radiology residency training program
2) a radiology fellowship training program
3) a medical student program
ARRS Membership ARRS JRS Global Partner Deeply Discounted Rate ARRS Standard Member Rate
ARRS Member rate for JRS practicing radiologist members in Japan $125 USD $399 USD


